tool (20)
Write ReasonML and Bucklescript in your existing babel projects
Simple tool for seamlessly integrating ReasonML into your existing JavaScript projects.
A Protocol Buffers compiler for OCaml
Super opinionated (will be de-opinionated soon) quickstart tool for bucklescript/reason applications.
neglectedEsy-Peasy: Simple Esy Project Builder With Almost No Configuration
Generates a Reason-React class
neglectedA generator for Yeoman, with node, express, handlebars, and bootstrap.
Converts Graphql schema to ReasonML types
OCaml JSX for ReasonReact
neglectedConfiguration and scripts for Create React Native App using ReasonML.
neglectedScripts for Create React App with ReasonML and Relay.
Scripts for Create React App with ReasonML.
Generate flowtype definition files from TypeScript
Converts flow definitions to Bucklescript definitions
neglected```html <script src=""></script> ```
reductive and reason-react reducer component integration with Redux DevTools
Reason Formatting of Errors
rollup plugin for using buckescript compiler