a simple way to use cross-browser cookies that contain JSON.
Note this wrapps js-cookie
These are just some simple bindings to the library it wraps. I've used it on some side projects but it should be reasonably good. The Underlying library is pretty battle tested and can even work in older browsers.
npm install --save @justgage/reason-cookie
Then in your bsconfig.json
"bs-dependencies": ["@justgage/reason-cookie"],
open JustgageReasonCookie;
Cookie.getAsString("hello") /* None */
Cookie.setString("hello", "test");
Cookie.getAsString("hello") /* Some("test") */
2310: syntax error, consider adding a `;' before
open JustgageReasonCookie;
let obj = Js.Dict.empty();
Js.Dict.set(obj, "a", Js.Json.number(2.));
let obj = Js.Json.object_(obj);
Cookie.setJson("hello", obj);
let maybeCookie = Cookie.getAsJson("hello");
open JustgageReasonCookie
let obj = Js.Dict.empty ()
let _ = Js.Dict.set obj "a" (Js.Json.number 2.)
let obj = Js.Json.object_ obj
let _ = Cookie.setJson "hello" obj
let maybeCookie = Cookie.getAsJson "hello"
(see js-cookie for more uses)
open JustgageReasonCookie;
Cookie.makeConfig(~path="", ~expires=2, ()),
open JustgageReasonCookie
let _ =
Cookie.setJsonConfig "hello" obj (Cookie.makeConfig ~path:"" ~expires:2 ())
Best thing somone can do is just use it and find any problems it has.
Absolutely! Just make an issue. Please note that I usually ask people to make the changes themselves.