neglectedjQuery binding for BuckleScript

BuckleScript jQuery binding

BuckleScript binding for jQuery 3.1.

Still only covers a small part of jQuery, but hopefully this repo and npm package help others understand how to do FFI and make a npm package for BuckleScript.

How to use


To compile, for example, a client-side script with src/main.ml as an entry point.

bsc -I src -c -bs-main src/main.ml -bs-package-include bucklescript-jquery -bs-package-name $npm_package_name -bs-package-output dist


To bundle with webpack:

webpack -p dist/main.js dist/bundle.js

then load dist/bundle.js in your HTML.


Run npm run compile_test then open test/test.html. It should show "Test success" in a browser if test is successful.

Only a small fragment of testing has been added.

Copyright 2016 by Nebuta. MIT license.