
BuckleScript bindings to @react-native-community/netinfo


Reason / BuckleScript bindings for @react-native-community/netinfo (exposed as ReactNativeNetInfo).


@reason-react-native/netinfo X.y. means it's compatible with @react-native-community/netinfo X.y.

version react-native version
4.1.0+ 0.60.0+

For 0.59-, you should use jetify -r.


With yarn:

yarn add @reason-react-native/netinfo

With npm:

npm install @reason-react-native/netinfo

If you use React Native 0.60, @react-native-community/netinfo should be linked to your project:

react-native link @react-native-community/netinfo

Finally, @reason-react-native/netinfo should be added to bs-dependencies in BuckleScript configuration of the project (bsconfig.json). For example:

  "bs-dependencies": [
+    "@reason-react-native/netinfo"




Kind of the current network connection. Valid values are:

Value Platforms Connection State
none Android, iOS, Windows Not active
unknown Android, iOS, Windows Undetermined
cellular Android, iOS, Windows Active
wifi Android, iOS, Windows Active
bluetooth Android Active
ethernet Android, Windows Active
wimax Android Active
vpn Android Active
other Android, iOS, Windows Active


Cellular generation of the current network connection. Valid values are:

Value Notes
net2g Inlined as "2g". Returned for CDMA, EDGE, GPRS and IDEN connections
net3g Inlined as "3g". Returned for EHRPD, EVDO, HSPA, HSUPA, HSDPA and UTMS connections.
net4g Inlined as "4g". Returned for HSPAP and LTE connections


  • RE
  • ML
type details = {
  "isConnectionExpensive": bool,
  "cellularGeneration": Js.Nullable.t(netInfoCellularGeneration),
type details =
    isConnectionExpensive :bool ;cellularGeneration
                                   :netInfoCellularGeneration Js.Nullable.t 
    > Js.t


  • RE
  • ML
type netInfoState = {
  "_type": netInfoStateType,
  "isConnected": bool,
  "details": Js.Null.t(details),
type netInfoState =
  < _type :netInfoStateType ;isConnected :bool ;details :details Js.Null.t  >

details key will have value Js.Null.empty (null) when _type is null or unknown.

If the details objects is not null, the cellularGeneration key within will

  • have value Js.Nullable.undefined when _type is wifi, bluetooth, ethernet, wimax, vpn or other.
  • have value Js.Nullable.null if the connection is not cellular or its generation cannot be determined.
  • be of type netInfoCellularGeneration only when _type is cellular and its generation can be determined.



To query the connection state, returns netInfoState wrapped in a Promise.

  • RE
  • ML
fetch: unit => Js.Promise.t(netInfoState) = "";
967: syntax error, consider adding a `;' before

Below example demonstrates determination of the cellular connection generation, using this method.

  • RE
  • ML
React.useEffect0(() => {
    |> then_(w =>
           switch (w##details->Js.Null.toOption) {
           | None => "Connection type is none or unknown"->Js.Console.warn
           | Some(x) =>
             let y = x##cellularGeneration;
             switch (y->Js.Nullable.toOption) {
             | None =>
               if (y == Js.Nullable.undefined) {
                 "Connection type is wifi, bluetooth, ethernet, wimax, vpn or other"
               } else {
                 "Connection generation unknown"->Js.Console.warn;
             | Some(z) =>
               if (z == ReactNativeNetInfo.net2G) {
                 "2G connection"->Js.Console.warn;
               } else if (z == ReactNativeNetInfo.net3G) {
                 "3G connection"->Js.Console.warn;
               } else {
                 "4G connection"->Js.Console.warn;
    |> catch(err => "error"->Js.Console.warn->resolve)
    |> ignore
3195: syntax error, consider adding a `;' before


To subscribe to the connection state; accepts a listener of type netInfoState => unit and returns an unsubscribe method of type unit => unit. The listener will be called once following subscription and each time connection state changes.

  • RE
  • ML
addEventListener: (netInfoState => unit) => t;
let _ = fun addEventListener  -> (t : netInfoState -> unit)


  • RE
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type t = unit => unit
type t = unit -> unit

Below example demonstrates subscribing to changes in connection state:

  • RE
  • ML
React.useEffect0(() => {
  let remove =
    ReactNativeNetInfo.addEventListener(w =>
        switch (w##details->Js.Null.toOption) {
        | None => "Connection type is none or unknown"
        | Some(x) =>
          let y = x##cellularGeneration;
          switch (y->Js.Nullable.toOption) {
          | None =>
            if (y == Js.Nullable.undefined) {
              "Connection type is wifi, bluetooth, ethernet, wimax, vpn or other";
            } else {
              "Connection generation unknown";
          | Some(z) =>
            if (z == ReactNativeNetInfo.net2G) {
              "2G connection";
            } else if (z == ReactNativeNetInfo.net3G) {
              "3G connection";
            } else {
              "4G connection";
  Some(() => remove());
3195: syntax error, consider adding a `;' before


This method returns a React Hook with type netInfoState

  • RE
  • ML
useNetInfo: unit => netInfoState
let _ = fun useNetInfo  -> (netInfoState : unit)

Below example demonstrates its use within a Text component:

  • RE
  • ML
    switch (ReactNativeNetInfo.useNetInfo()##details->Js.Null.toOption) {
    | None => "Connection type is none or unknown"
    | Some(x) =>
      let y = x##cellularGeneration;
      switch (y->Js.Nullable.toOption) {
      | None =>
        if (y == Js.Nullable.undefined) {
          "Connection type is wifi, bluetooth, ethernet, wimax, vpn or other";
        } else {
          "Connection generation unknown";
      | Some(z) =>
        if (z == ReactNativeNetInfo.net2G) {
          "2G connection";
        } else if (z == ReactNativeNetInfo.net3G) {
          "3G connection";
        } else {
          "4G connection";
3195: syntax error, consider adding a `;' before