Callbag elements for declaredom
npm i --save @ristostevcev/bs-callbag-element
Callbag elements provide a way to create dynamically updated elements using callbags. This approach is declarative - it uses callbag streams and morphdom's virtual dom for fast and efficient updating.
The following example creates a clock by mapping a 1-second callbag interval to the current date:
let clock =
let open CallbagBasics in
interval 1000
|> map (fun _ -> span [|text @@ Js.Date.toString (Js.Date.make ())|])
|> CallbagElement.make
The advantage of this approach for frontend web app development is simplicity
and interop since callbag elements are just plain DOM elements. And it gives
devs the ability to further optimize by batching updates with
to avoid unnecessary repaints.
This element is a web component so make sure to include a webcomponents polyfill.
See example.html