Bucklescript bindings for mocha
npm install bs-mocha --save-dev
let (it', it_skip') = Async.(it, it_skip);
open Mocha;
describe("Some Test Suite", () => {
describe("List.map", () => {
it("should map the values", () =>
Assert.deep_equal(List.map(( * )(2), [1, 2, 3]), [2, 4, 6])
it("should work with an empty list", () =>
Assert.equal(List.map(( * )(2), []), [])
let (it',it_skip') = let open Async in (it, it_skip)
open Mocha
let _ =
describe "Some Test Suite"
(fun () ->
describe "List.map"
(fun () ->
it "should map the values"
(fun () ->
Assert.deep_equal (List.map (( * ) 2) [1; 2; 3]) [2; 4; 6]);
it "should work with an empty list"
(fun () -> Assert.equal (List.map (( * ) 2) []) [])))