A common interface for SQL-based Node.js drivers.
To provide a common interface for MySQL, PostgreSQL and sqlite implementations.
A rewrite of the entire package to expose it as a Functor that can accept
any module which implements the Queryable
Use Belt.Result for responses so to better integrate with then BuckleScript ecosystem.
Provide response decoding and inspection functions so that the user has a consistent view into responses from any library.
Provide an ID type that properly encodes large integers as strings.
Provide batch inserts and queries
The standard things are there and this library is being used live within several production projects.
Inside of a BuckleScript project:
yarn install --save bs-sql-common
Then add bs-sql-common
to your bs-dependencies
in your bsconfig.json
"bs-dependencies": [ "bs-sql-common" ]
Then add a bs-sql-common
compatible package to your repository or create your
own. All of the examples use the bs-mysql2
package, here are the
requirements to use that package:
yarn install --save bs-mysql2Â
"bs-dependencies": [ "bs-sql-common", "bs-mysql2" ]
module Sql = SqlCommon.Make(MySql2)
let db = Sql.Connection.connect
Sql.query ~db ~sql:"SHOW DATABASES" (fun res ->
match res with
| Belt.Result.Error e -> raise e
| Belt.Result.Ok select ->
|. Sql.Response.Select.flatMap (Json.Decode.dict Json.Decode.string)
|. Belt.Array.map (fun x -> Js.dict.unsafeGet x "Database")
|. Expect.expect
|> Expect.toContain @@ "test"
Note: All of the examples use the bs-mysql2
package as the
connection provider. Any other provider should have the same behavior with
differing connection creation requirements.
The following connection and module will be use within the rest of the examples.
module Sql = SqlCommon.Make(MySql2);
let db = Sql.Connection.connect(~host="", ~port=3306, ~user="root", ());
module Sql = SqlCommon.Make(MySql2)
let db = Sql.Connection.connect ~host:"" ~port:3306 ~user:"root" ()
Assume the following statement occurs at the end of each example.
let _ = Sql.Connection.close conn
Sql.query(~db, ~sql="SHOW DATABASES",
| Belt.Result.Error e => Js.log2("ERROR: ", e)
| Belt.Result.Ok select =>
|. Sql.Response.Select.rows
|. Js.log2("RESPONSE ROWS: ", _)
~sql="INSERT INTO test (foo) VALUES (?)",
~params=Sql.Params.positional(Json.Encode.([|string("bar")|] |. array)),
(res) =>
| Belt.Result.Error => Js.log2("ERROR: ", e)
| Belt.Result.Ok mutation =>
|. Sql.Response.Mutation.insertId
|. Js.log2("INSERT ID: ", _)
767: syntax error, consider adding a `;' before
let json = Sql.Params.named(
("x", int(1)),
("y", int(2)),
let decoder = Json.Encode.array(Json.Encode.int)
Sql.query(~db, ~sql:"SELECT :x + :y AS z", ~params, (res) =>
switch res {
| Belt.Result.Error => Js.log2("ERROR: ", e)
| Belt.Result.Ok select =>
|. Sql.Response.flatMap(decoder)
|. Js.log2("DECODED ROWS: ", _)
Sql.mutate(~db, ~sql:"INSERT INTO test (foo, bar) VALUES (:x, :y)", ~params, (res) =>
switch res {
| Belt.Result.Error => Js.log2("ERROR: ", e)
| Belt.Result.Ok mutation =>
|. Sql.Response.Mutation.insertId
|. Js.log2("INSERT ID: ", _)
2540: syntax error, consider adding a `;' before
let params = Sql.Params.positional(
Json.Encode.(array(int, [|5,6|]))
Sql.query(~db, ~sql:"SELECT 1 + ? + ? AS result", ~params, (res) =>
switch res {
| Belt.Result.Error => Js.log2("ERROR: ", e)
| Belt.Result.Ok select =>
|. Sql.Response.rows
|. Js.log2("RAW ROWS: ", _)
Sql.mutate(~db, ~sql:"INSERT INTO test (foo, bar) VALUES (?, ?)", ~params, (res) =>
switch res {
| Belt.Result.Error => Js.log2("ERROR: ", e)
| Belt.Result.Ok mutation =>
|. Sql.Response.Mutation.insertId
|. Js.log2("INSERT ID: ", _)
2540: syntax error, consider adding a `;' before
let params = Sql.Params.positional(
Json.Encode.(array(int, [|"%schema"|]))
Sql.query(~db, ~params, ~sql="SELECT ? AS search")
|> Js.Promise.then_(select =>
|. Sql.Response.rows
|. Js.log2("RAW ROWS: ", _)
|. ignore
|> Js.Promise.catch(err =>
Js.log2("Failure!!!", err)
|. ignore
2540: syntax error, consider adding a `;' before
module Id: sig
type t = Driver.Id.t
val fromJson : Js.Json.t -> Driver.Id.t
val toJson : Driver.Id.t -> Js.Json.t
val toString : Driver.Id.t -> string
module Response: sig
module Mutation: sig
val insertId : Driver.Mutation.t -> Id.t option
val affectedRows: Driver.Mutation.t -> int
module Select: sig
module Meta : sig
val schema : Driver.Select.Meta.t -> string
val name : Driver.Select.Meta.t -> string
val table : Driver.Select.Meta.t -> string
val meta : Driver.Select.t -> Driver.Select.Meta.t array
val concat : Driver.Select.t -> Driver.Select.t -> Driver.Select.t
val count : Driver.Select.t -> int
val flatMap :
Driver.Select.t ->
(Js.Json.t -> Driver.Select.Meta.t array -> 'a) ->
'a array
val flatMap : Driver.Select.t -> (Js.Json.t -> 'a) -> 'a array
val rows : Driver.Select.t -> Js.Json.t array
module type Queryable = sig
module Connection : sig
type t
val connect :
?host:string ->
?port:int ->
?user:string ->
?password:string ->
?database:string ->
unit -> t
val close : t -> unit
module Exn : sig
val fromJs : Js.Json.t -> exn
module Id : sig
type t
val fromJson : Js.Json.t -> t
val toJson : t -> Js.Json.t
val toString : t -> string
module Mutation : sig
type t
val insertId : t -> Id.t option
val affectedRows : t -> int
module Params : sig
type t
val named : Js.Json.t -> t
val positional : Js.Json.t -> t
module Select : sig
type t
module Meta : sig
type t
val schema : t -> string
val name : t -> string
val table : t -> string
val meta : t -> Meta.t array
val concat : t -> t -> t
val count : t -> int
val flatMapWithMeta : t -> (Js.Json.t -> Meta.t array -> 'a) -> 'a array
val flatMap : t -> (Js.Json.t -> 'a) -> 'a array
val rows : t -> Js.Json.t array
type response =
| `Error of exn
| `Mutation of Mutation.t
| `Select of Select.t
type callback = response -> unit
val execute : Connection.t -> string -> Params.t option -> callback -> unit