yarn install reason-navigation
"bs-dependencies": [
let component = ReasonReact.statelessComponent("App");
let make = (_children) => {
render: (_self) =>
(match) =>
<h1> ("Reason Router")) </h1>
<Link match href="/game"> ("GAME")) </Link>
<Route match path="/" render=(() => <Landing match />) />
<Route match path="/game" render=(() => <Canvas match />) />
() => {
switch (Match.getInt(match.state.params, "id")) {
| Some(v) => Js.log(v)
| None => Js.log("None")
<p> (ReasonReact.stringToElement("Query params!")) </p>
<Route match path="/highscores" render=(() => <HighScore match />) />
let component = ReasonReact.statelessComponent "App"
let make _children =
component with
render =
(fun _self ->
~children:[(fun match_ ->
~children:[ "Reason Router"]
())[@JSX ]);
((Link.createElement ~match:match_
~children:[ "GAME"] ())
[@JSX ]);
((Route.createElement ~match:match_
~render:(fun () ->
~children:[] ())
[@JSX ]))
~children:[] ())[@JSX ]);
((Route.createElement ~match:match_
~render:(fun () ->
~children:[] ())
[@JSX ]))
~children:[] ())[@JSX ]);
((Route.createElement ~match:match_
~render:(fun () ->
(match Match.getInt
| ((Some
-> Js.log v
| None ->
Js.log "None");
"Query params!"]
())[@JSX ]))
~children:[] ())[@JSX ]);
((Route.createElement ~match:match_
~render:(fun () ->
~children:[] ())
[@JSX ]))
~children:[] ())[@JSX ])] ())
[@JSX ]))] ())[@JSX ]))
<Router children: (history) => ReasonReact.element/>
Router takes a function as a child, with a parameter that is passed a history
object. The body should be a single reason-react component, like a <div />
that wraps a bunch of child <Route />
<Route history: Router.history path: string render: unit => ReasonReact.element />
Route needs to be passed the Router.history
record that contains data in order
to determine whether it should render on a certain path or not. It also requires
a path
that the route needs to match against, and lastly a render
that passes query params and other data that is useful.
<Link history: Router.history href: string target: string />
Link needs to be passed the Router.history
record that contains actions to
update the browser location. It also takes an href
to determine where to go
when the link is pressed. and lastly takes a target to determine where to open
the link.
When accessing query params, you should use the query accessors that
getInt(params: Js.Dict.t(string), field: string) => option(int)
It will return Some(int)
if they field you are accessing is present and an
switch (Match.getInt(match.state.params, "id")) {
| Some(v) => Js.log(v)
| None => Js.log("None")
let _ =
match Match.getInt (match_.state).params "id" with
| ((Some (v))[@explicit_arity ]) -> Js.log v
| None -> Js.log "None"
getString(params: Js.Dict.t(string), field: string) => option(string)
It will return Some(string)
if they field you are accessing is present and an
switch (Match.getString(match.state.params, "id")) {
| Some(v) => Js.log(v)
| None => Js.log("None")
let _ =
match Match.getString (match_.state).params "id" with
| ((Some (v))[@explicit_arity ]) -> Js.log v
| None -> Js.log "None"
type state = {
path: string,
search: string,
hash: string,
params: Js.Dict.t(string),
unlisten: [@bs] (unit => unit)
type state =
path: string;
search: string;
hash: string;
params: string Js.Dict.t;
unlisten: ((unit -> unit)[@bs ]);}
type actions = {
push: string => unit,
replace: string => unit,
updateMatch: (string, string, Js.Dict.t(string)) => unit
type actions =
push: string -> unit;
replace: string -> unit;
updateMatch: string -> string -> string Js.Dict.t -> unit;}
type history = {
type history = {
state: state;
actions: actions;}