
ReasonReact Fullstack Graphql SSR

A basic starting point for building universal web apps with ReasonReact.

Far from refined. Used as a basis to learn ReasonML and POC for server side rendering and code-spliting with ReasonReact

Build automation tools based heavily off of react-starter-kit


Quick start

  • Install dependencies: run yarn in project root then cd server and run yarn
  • For frontend dev server: run yarn start or npm start, from project root. The app should be running at: http://localhost:8080.
  • For graphql server: in seperate terminal tab/window cd server and run yarn bsb or npm run bsb followed by yarn start or npm start, the server should be running at: http://localhost:4000.
  • To build frontend run: yarn build or npm run build from project root. Run yarn start or npm start to start app.


  • Add offline capabilities (service workers) Workbox