BuckleScript bindings to Reason's JSX PPX rewriter.
Run npm install --save glennsl/bs-jsx-rewriter
and add bs-jsx-rewriter
to the bs-dependencies
in bsconfig.json
let code = {|
let _ =
((div ~children:[
((span ~children:[ReasonReact.stringToElement "hello"] ()) [@JSX])
] ()) [@JSX])
let () =
code |> Jsx.rewrite
|> fun | Ok({ code }) => Js.log(code)
| Error(_) => Js.log("error");
/* Output:
let _ =
ReactDOMRe.createElement "div"
[|(ReactDOMRe.createElement "span"
[|(ReasonReact.stringToElement "hello")|])|]
let code =
let _ =
((div ~children:[
((span ~children:[ReasonReact.stringToElement "hello"] ()) [@JSX])
] ()) [@JSX])
let () =
(code |> Jsx.rewrite) |>
| ((Ok ({ code }))[@explicit_arity ]) -> Js.log code
| Error _ -> Js.log "error")
The package has been tested to work with webpack
, but requires a tiny bit of configuration because it depends on a few
ndoe modules in code paths that aren't actually used in practice. To stub these out, just put the following in your
node: {
fs: 'empty',
child_process: 'empty'
The vendor directory contains files built from code in the BuckleScript repository, but which originates from the Reason repository, which is licensed under the MIT license. The rest of this repostiory is also licensed under the MIT license.
The Reason team for creating the PPX (and, you know, Reason and all that), and Alessandro Strada for adding the JS API and build process.