Proof that Reason can consume OCaml by way of compiling to JavaScript. As a side-effect it also reformats things, without any need for IO monads™, which shows conclusively that OCaml and Reason are superior to Haskell in every way. Q.E.D. ∎
Or just BuckleScript bindings to refmt.js
Run npm install --save glennsl/bs-refmt
and add bs-refmt
to the bs-dependencies
in bsconfig.json
let ocamlCode = {|
let hello thing =
Js.log {j|Hello $thing!|j}
let () =
hello "world"
let reasonCode =
ocamlCode |> Refmt.parseML
|> fun | Ok(ast) =>
ast |> Refmt.printRE |> Js.log
| Error(`RefmtParseError({ message })) =>
Js.log2("Error: ", message)
let ocamlCode =
let hello thing =
Js.log {j|Hello $thing!|j}
let () =
hello "world"
let reasonCode =
(ocamlCode |> Refmt.parseML) |>
| ((Ok (ast))[@explicit_arity ]) -> (ast |> Refmt.printRE) |> Js.log
| ((Error (`RefmtParseError { message }))[@explicit_arity ]) ->
Js.log2 "Error: " message)
The package has been tested to work with webpack
, but requires a tiny bit of configuration because it depends on a few
ndoe modules in code paths that aren't actually used in practice. To stub these out, just put the following in your
node: {
fs: 'empty',
child_process: 'empty'