Packages (326) bucklescript types for aws-lambda
bucklescript bindings to dotenv
Bucklescript bindings for Recharts
bucklescript bindings for RxJs v7
BuckleScript bindings for react-fela
BuckleScript bindings for styletron-react
Reason bindings for react-toolbox
neglected BuckleScript bindings for Blueprintjs
neglected BuckleScript bindings for Blueprintjs Datetime
neglected BuckleScript bindings for Blueprintjs Labs
neglected BuckleScript bindings for Blueprintjs Table
ReasonReact bindings for akiran/react-highlight
BuckleScript REST API Builder
Cmdliner — Declarative definition of command line interfaces for OCaml
The Bucklescript bindings for the npm semver package
BuckleScript bindings to the Jest testing framework
Compositional JSON encode/decode library for BuckleScript
A safe and functional API for JavaScript regexes
A minimal base library for Reason
Reason/BuckleScript port of debug, with some extras
BuckleScript bindings to the Rewire unit test monkey-patching utility
Bucklescript bindings for xstream
neglected Reason bindings to OpenGL for Android native
Bucklescript bindings for Numeral.js
This library provides Reason bindings for devextreme-reactive.
This library provides Reason bindings for material-ui.
Reason bindings for the react-sticky package
a simple way to use cross-browser cookies that contain JSON.
Bucklescript bindings for the argon2 module
Scoped Model pattern in ReasonReact (but with Hooks)
A collection of hooks for ReasonReact
📆 A collection of useful helpers for handling dates in Reason with the same modern API as the well-known `date-fns`.
Reason / BuckleScript bindings for React Helmet, a document head manager for React
neglected jQuery binding for BuckleScript
Bucklescript bindings for BigInteger.js
neglected Phenomic Reason bindings
mailgun-js bucklescript binding
Type-safe and simple GraphQL client for ReasonML
Future and ResultFuture library for ReasonML
Tiny and fast reactive/iterable programming library
Callbag elements for declaredom
Callbag event streams for declaredom
A callbag implementation of a redux-like store
Strongly typed declarative markup for the DOM and CSS
BuckleScript bindings for body-parser
Bucklescript bindings for
Bucklescript bindings for Google REST Apis
BuckleScript client for Napster's REST API
Minimal Bucklescript bindings for qs, a query string parsing library
Bucklescript bindings for react-virtualized
BuckleScript bindings for
BuckleScript bindings for superagent
Bucklescript bindings for the WebSocket API
deprecated Reason(React) bindings for Rsuite UI library
Secure Hash Algorithms for ReasonML
Warp is a Bucklescript library enabling http-requests over XHR
BDD-style test framework for Reason/bucklescript
BuckleScript bindings for idb-keyval
BuckleScript bindings for react-virtual
Node dependent reasonml config library
Almost sound Promises for Bucklescript
unpublished neglected BuckleScript bindings to raven-js
unpublished neglected BuckleScript bindings for react-native-vector-icons
unpublished Elmish architecture for reason-react
unpublished Processing library for Reason
unpublished BuckleScript bindings for Node http in Reason
Simple tool for seamlessly integrating ReasonML into your existing JavaScript projects.
unpublished neglected Experimental d3 5.x bindings for BuckleScript
unpublished neglected Reason bindings to vue.js
Write ReasonML and Bucklescript in your existing babel projects
deprecated Bucklescript interfaces and implementations for category theory and abstract algebra
neglected BuckleScript JSON serializations that match Haskell aeson
BucklesScript bindings to Ajv (Another JSON Validator)
neglected BuckleScript bindings for amplitude
neglected BuckleScript bindings for analytics-node
Bucklescript bindings for Ant Design
Bucklescript bindings for Ant Design Mobile
neglected BuckleScript bindings for ant design.
neglected BuckleScript binding for apollo-server-express
neglected Atom bindings for BuckleScript
Axios bindings for Bucklescript
neglected Ocaml batteries for bucklescript
Bucklescript bindings to big.js.
BuckleScript bindings to bn.js
neglected BuckleScript interface to the node 'chalk' library
Remove empty or nullable values from javascript objects
Clearing numbers for Swedish banks
Bucklescript bindings for Compression middlewaare
neglected cookie-parser binding in ReasonML
Buckelscript bindings to cors middleware
Cron for NodeJS. Execute something at a schedule.
neglected deprecated BuckleScript statically typed DSL for CSS
neglected This is a rewrite in reasonml of
Bucklescript bindings to date-fns
Type-safe JSON decoding for ReasonML and OCaml
Bindings of for ReasonML
neglected BuckleScript bindings to the Director router
neglected deprecated A dom binding for bucklescript
BuckleScript bindings for dom-testing-library.
BuckleScript bindings for Downshift
neglected Bucklescript data structures for effectful sync and async programming
Bindings for mounting and interacting with Elm applications in Reason.
Bucklescript bindings for Enzyme
neglected Utilities for working with errors in bucklescript
neglected Express bindings in Reason
Faker.js bindings for BuckleScript in Reason
Fetch bindings for BuckleScript
neglected ``` npm run build ```
Reason bindings for Fluture.js
bs-free 0.7.0
25 BSD-3-Clause 1 month ago neglected Free monads and other free structures for bucklescript
neglected Google Cloud Datastore bindings of BuckleScript.
neglected BuckleScript bindings for glamor
neglected BuckleScript binding for graphql-js
neglected BuckleScript interface to create GraphQL Custom Scalar types
neglected BuckleScript binding for graphql-tools
BuckleScript bindings for node-uuid
Mock Js.Date when run unit test cases with Jest. Make tests of Js.Date easier.
BuckleScript bindings for jest-dom.
neglected Jsverify bindings for bucklescript
bs-knex 3.1.0
16 BSD-2-Clause 1 month ago BuckleScript interface to the node 'knex' library
neglected Little parser combinator for BuckleScript or Reason.
Bucklescript bindings for Luxon, written in Reason.
marky-markdown bindings for BuckleScript in Reason
Reason bindings for material-ui
Reason bindings for material-ui-icons
Reason bindings for bs-material-ui-pickers
neglected Bucklescript bindings for mocha
neglected This is just a placeholder repo for now until bs-mocha gets updated
neglected BuckleScript bindings for Moment.js
neglected Bucklescript bindings to node mongodb driver
Reason/BuckleScript bindings for the Most.js reactive toolkit Edit
Bucklescript/ReasonML bindings for (Microsoft Authentication Library Preview for JavaScript)
A port of the Swift MusicTheory library
Bucklescript bindings for mysql.js, written in Reason.
ReasonML bindings to the mysql2 library.
Reason bindings for Next.js
neglected BuckleScript interface to the node 'debug' library
Node readline bindings for BuckleScript
NonEmpty type with Array and List implementations for ReasonML and OCaml
BuckleScript bindings to nprogress
neglected BuckleScript bindings for Numeral.js
A Protocol Buffers compiler for OCaml
Protobuf JSON runtime for BuckleScript
BuckleScript bindings for ospec.
buckleScript bindings for PIXI v5
Bucklescript bindings to pixl-xml
BuckleScript/ReasonML bindings for [tinyqueue](, a priority queue/heap implementation.
A monadic syntax to work with Promise.
neglected BuckleScript interface to express-promise-router
Bucklescript bindings for Puppeteer (headless chrome browser) written in Reason
BuckleScript bindings for randomColor
neglected Reason bindings for ReactART
BuckleScript binding to react-dropdown
ReasonML bindings for react-dropzone library
ReasonML bindings for [react-flatpickr](
Bucklescript bindings for react-ga (Google Analytics)
ReasonML bindings for the react-grid-dnd library
BuckleScript bindings to react-intl
bucklesript bindings for react-native-modal
React Native Paper bindings for ReasonML
Reason bindings for react-notification-system
BuckleScript bindings to react-on-rails
react-pdf bindings for bucklescript
A utility for loading third party scripts on the client.
ReasonML bindings for the react-shadow-scroll
ReasonML bindings for react-syntax-highlighter library
BuckleScript bindings for react-test-renderer.
BuckleScript bindings for react-testing-library.
Bucklescript bindings for react-trello
Bucklescript bindings for react-waypoint
Bucklescript bindings for Reactstrap
Node.js Readline for Reason
neglected React Apollo bindings for BS
neglected Bucklescript types for Rebass stateless functional components
Reasonably making forms sound good again
RemoteData and WebData to use with bs-fetch for BuckleScript
unusable Boilerplate for BuckleScript NPM package
neglected promise library for Ocaml/Reason based on javascript promises.
neglected Bucklescript bindings to Snabbdom
Spectacle bindings for Bucklescript
neglected Bucklescript bindings for spotify-web-api
A common interface common for SQL drivers.
A library for SQL composition in BuckleScript
BuckleScript bindings for Storybook.js
BuckleScript bindings for tape
Fast, small color manipulation and conversion
BucklesScript bindings to the validationjs library
neglected Visual Studio Code extension API bindings for BuckleScript
Reason + BuckleScript bindings to DOM
Bucklescript bindings for Web Workers
Winston Cloudwatch Transport for ReasonML
BuckleScript bindings for the youtube iframe API
unpublished neglected webrtc in Reason
Super opinionated (will be de-opinionated soon) quickstart tool for bucklescript/reason applications.
BuckleScript binding for Phoenix Channel/Presence to Phoenix's official JavaScript client
ReasonML bindings for Node's child_process modules
Adding common functions from Clojure to Reason
unpublished Bindings for Stripe's react-stripe-elements
unpublished neglected ready-to-use webpack configuration for developing reason-react applications
Bucklescript PPX which generates JSON (de)serializers for user-defined types
neglected Esy-Peasy: Simple Esy Project Builder With Almost No Configuration
Fastify bindings in Reason
Generates a Reason-React class
neglected A generator for Yeoman, with node, express, handlebars, and bootstrap.
Reason types and functions for working with GeoJSON
unpublished neglected Bindings to Benchmark.js
unpublished Bindings to BuckleScript compiler
unpublished Bindings to Reason's React JSX PPX
unpublished BuckleScript bindings to refmt.js
unpublished neglected Experimental cross-platform native/BuckleScript test framework
unpublished neglected Quickcheck implementation for BuckleScript
unpublished neglected A very rough starter project for atom packages written in Reason and BuckleScript
unpublished neglected Gatsby default starter
unpublished neglected Starter project for vscode extensions written in Reason and BuckleScript
unpublished A strongly typed and immutable API built on top of the `fetch` standard
unpublished A collection of mostly experimental tools and utilities for effective ReasonReact development
Converts Graphql schema to ReasonML types
Persistent immutable collections for Reason
deprecated Deprecated. Use <> instead.
unpublished neglected A lwt-node starter
neglected A no-frills cli argument parser for reason, inspired by [minimist]( and [yargs](
OCaml JSX for ReasonReact
Rationale is a collection of helper utility functions that are absent in the OCaml/ReasonML standard library.
Reimplementation of classnames in ReasonML
Native Discord API for creating bots using ReasonML
neglected A small Reason library for mounting an Elm app and subscribing to its ports. Very early and incomplete. Contributions welcome.
Form validation tool for reason-react
neglected A small Reason library for interacting with localforage. Very early and incomplete. Contributions welcome.
neglected A basic animation spring
neglected deprecated Async support library for Reason/Bucklescript
ReasonML utility classes generated from Tailwind config
Using Apollo client 2 with Reason
Reasonml binding for BizCharts
chess engine for reasonml
neglected ## `Files` module
This is a project with ReasonML bindings for [date-fns v2]( These bindings are using `FP` module of date-fns. So please refer the [FP documentation]( In short: all metho
neglected This project has been moved to [`bs-elm`](
ReasonML bindings for Expo
Bucklescript bindings for @expo/vector-icons, the standard way to use icons with Expo.
A Js.Promise alternative for ReasonML.
ReasonReact hooks testing library.
A simple Maybe library in Reason.
let reason-nact = (node.js, reason, actors) ⇒ your µ services have never been so typed
Reason/BuckleScript bindings to the nconf library.
neglected Reason Node - a node.js like API for Native
A set of reuseable `components` and `functors` for reason react
Light and type-safe binding to JS promises
React bindings for Reason
Reason component to manage document title
[]( [](https://www.npmj
[]( [](
neglected Configuration and scripts for Create React Native App using ReasonML.
neglected Primitive components to build UI on the web with ReasonReact
neglected Scripts for Create React App with ReasonML and Relay.
Tiny wrapper around ReasonReact.Router
Scripts for Create React App with ReasonML.
neglected This is a library for native reason (with bsb-native) that lets you stand up a simple server without too much trouble.
neglected ReasonML port elm-these
Bucklescript bindings for react-transition-group
a game development library
neglected Webpack plugin to run BSB on changes
neglected [Clone the example repo]( to get started quickly.
Generate flowtype definition files from TypeScript
Converts flow definitions to Bucklescript definitions
unpublished neglected BuckleScript bindings for discord.js
unpublished BuckleScript bindings to node-glob. Match files using the patterns the shell uses, like stars and stuff.
unpublished neglected BuckleScript bindings for History
unpublished neglected Reason + BuckleScript bindings to Immutable.js
unpublished neglected BuckleScript bindings for Leaflet.js
unpublished neglected BuckleScript bindings to the Node.js API
unpublished neglected in Reason
unpublished neglected BuckleScript bindings for transit-js
neglected ```html <script src=""></script> ```
Simple BEM helper with ReasonMl
neglected > A small caching module for front-end requests
reductive and reason-react reducer component integration with Redux DevTools
Minimal port of redux-observable to reason reductive
Reason Formatting of Errors
neglected Reason interface to GL.
neglected Reason bindings to OpenGL ES for iOS
neglected Reason bindings to OpenGL
neglected Reason bindings to WebGL
Alternative standard library (prelude) for ReasonML
A datetime tool for the ages in ReasonML
Relude interop library for the fetch API
Monadic parsing with Relude
Relude-based utilities for ReasonReact
A ReasonML generator library, designed for Deno and Node
> A simple cross-target JSON library for Reason/OCaml
rollup plugin for using buckescript compiler
unpublished neglected A Yeoman generator for Ocaml+Bucklescript+Webpack (using bs-loader)
unpublished Style terminal strings with ReasonMl.
unpublished neglected JSON combinator library for BuckleScript/Reason
Statistics module written in Reason. Inspired by [simple-statistics]( Help me add more functions :-)
unpublished Convert a string to mOcKiNgCaSe
neglected The core of `Stylite` is the ability to express CSS rules using `Reason` syntax.
unpublished neglected This is a simple react native navigation written in reason.
unpublished BuckleScript bindings for the parse-color js library
unpublished neglected css-in-reason
unpublished Bucklescript bindings for JSZip
unpublished Bucklescript bindings for Semantic UI React